Everyday Needs And Diversions
There was no want of food in colonial households and little scarcity or
threatened famine in the land of our forefathers. Though the Southern and
West Indian colonists paid but little attention to the raising of the more
important food staples, they were able to obtain an adequate supply
through channels of distribution which remained almost unchanged
throughout the colonial period. The provisions of New England and the
flour, beef, pork, and peas of New York and Pennsylvania were carried
wherever they were wanted and satisfied the demands of those who were
otherwise absorbed in the cultivation of tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar.
The greatest difficulty lay in the preservation of perishable foods, for
the colonists had as yet no adequate means of keeping fresh their meats
and provisions. In the outlying districts, where supplies were irregular,
many a family lived on smoked, salted, and pickled foods and during the
winter were entirely without the fresh meats and green vegetables which
were available in the summer and autumn seasons.'
This need was partly satisfied by the plentiful supply of venison obtained
from the forests, for the colonists were great hunters. Fowling pieces,
powderflasks. shot bags, worms, and ramrods were a part of every country
householder's equipment. Though deer and wild birds were less plentiful in
the eighteenth than in the seventeenth century, their number was still
large; and wild turkeys, geese, pigeons, hares, and squirrels were always
to be found. Fish abounded in the rivers ; lobsters were obtainable off
the shores in considerable numbers; clams were always plentiful ; and
oysters were eaten not only along the seacoast from Maine to Georgia but
even in the back country as far as the Shenandoah, whither they were sent
packed in old
Just when and where ice first began to be housed for summer use it is
difficult to discover but the following extract from a manuscript journal
of Epaphrus Hoyt, who journeyed from Deerfield to Philadelphia and back in
1790, is suggestive. Writing on the 6th of August, he said: "After we got
through Hell Gate we drunk a bowl of Punch made with Ice which Mr. Yates a
passenger had took on board at N. York. This was very curious to see Ice
at this season of the year —which is kept (as Mr. Yates informed us)
through the summer in houses built on purpose." barrels and flour casks
"lest the waggoners get foul of 'em." Turtles caught in the neighborhood
or sent from the West Indies were frequently served up on the tables of
the richer families in all the colonies. Even buffalo steaks were eaten,
for John Rowe records a dinner in 1768 at which venison, buffalo steaks,
perch, trout, and salmon were placed before the guests.
Nearly all the meats, vegetables, and fruits familiar to housekeepers of
today were known to the colonial dames. In the better houses, beef,
mutton, lamb, pork, ham, bacon, and smoked and dried fish were eaten, as
well as sausages, cheese, and butter, which were usually homemade in New
England, though in the Middle Colonies and the South cheese was frequently
imported from Rhode Island. It is related that once when Beekman of New
York could not sell some Rhode Island cheese that "was loosing in weight
and spoiling with maggots," he proposed to have it hawked about the town
by a cartman. As for vegetables, the New Englander was familiar with
cabbages, radishes, lettuce, turnips, green corn carrots, parsnips,
spinach, onions, beets, parsley savory, mustard, peppergrass, celery,
cauliflower, squashes, pumpkins, beans, peas, and asparagus; but only the
more prosperous householders pretended to cultivate even a majority of
these in their gardens. In the rural districts, only cabbages, beans,
pumpkins, and other vegetables of the coarser varieties were grown.
Potatoes were not introduced until after the advent of the Scotch-Irish in
1720, and they did not for some time become a common vegetable. Dr.
McSparran of Rhode Island made a record in his diary in 1743 that potatoes
were being dug, and Birket speaks of them as being "plentifully produced"
by the year 1750. Tomatoes were hardly yet deemed edible, and only an
occasional mention of cucumbers can be found. In the South sweet potatoes
early became popular, and watermelons and muskmelons were raised in large
quantities, though they were grown in the North also to some extent. Every
Southern plantation, notably in Virginia, had its vegetable and flower
garden, and familiar items in the lists of articles ordered from England
are the seeds and roots which the planter wanted.
Fruit was abundant everywhere. Apples, pears, peaches, apricots, damsons,
plums, quinces, cherries, and crab apples were all raised in the orchards,
North and South, while oranges, probably small and very sour, were grown
in South Carolina and on Governor Grant's plantation in East Florida.
English and Italian gardeners were employed by certain of the wealthier
planters and often exhibited superior skill in matters of grafting and
propagating plants and shrubs.' At first grafts were obtained from England
and the Continent, but as early as 1735 Paul Amatis started his "Georgian
Nursery" in South Carolina, and later William Prince established in the
North a large fruit nursery at Flushing, Long Island, where he said that
he had fifteen thousand trees fit to remove, "all innoculated and grafted
from bearing trees." (Grafting was practiced in New England at an early date. The Reverend
Joseph Green of Salem says in his diary, that on April 17, 1701, he
grafted 59 " cyons " on 24 trees. Essex Institute Historical Collections,
vol. VIII, p. 220.) Christian Leman began a similar nursery at
Germantown, Pennsylvania. Of the smaller fruits, strawberries,
blackberries, and gooseberries were cultivated and highly prized; wild
strawberries and huckleberries were as well known as they are now; and
grapes were found in enormous quantities in a wild state, though efforts
to grow vineyards for the purpose of making wine were never very
In preparing vegetables and fruits for preserving, both for the winter's
supply at home and the Southern and West India markets, the New England housewives proved
themselves eminently resourceful and skillful. They pickled Indian corn
and other vegetables, nuts, and oysters; they dried apples or else made
them into sauce and butter; and they preserved fruits not in cans or
sealed jars but in huge crocks covered with paper and so sealed that the
fruit would keep for a long time without fermenting.
In the grounds of the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Photograph
copyright, 1912, by Baldwin Coolidge.
For spices and condiments, however, all the colonists had to depend on
outside sources. Capers, English walnuts, anchovies, nutmegs, pepper,
mace, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, olives, salad oil, almonds, raisins, and
dried currants were commonly ordered from England; lemons, which in 1763
were declared to have become "almost a necessity for the health and
comfort of the inhabitants of North America," were obtained from the
Mediterranean and the West Indies; coffee, tea (hyson, bohea, Congo, and
green), and "cocoa nuts" came from England usually, though much of the
spice, tea, and cocoa was smuggled in from Amsterdam or the foreign West
Indies. From the latter came also sweetmeats, tamarinds, preserved
ginger, citrons, and limes, which were often brought by the sea captains
as presents from West India merchants, to whom hams, turkeys, geese, and
the like were sent in return. Spices and coffee were ground at home, and
"cocoa nuts" were made into chocolate, either at home or at a neighboring
mill. Beverley ordered a stone and roller for preparing chocolate on his
plantation, and in New England there were several chocolate mills, where
the beans were crushed either for the housewife at her request or for
Cocoa NutsThe eighteenth-century name for the cocoa bean from which chocolate is made. |
In the country households of the North nearly everything for the table was
obtained from the farm, and only salt, sugar, and spices were bought. Even
sugar was a luxury; maple sugar, honey, and brown muscovado sugar were
sometimes used, but the common sweetening was molasses, though this was
rejected in the South for table use. The food, though ample in quantity,
was lacking in variety and was heavier and less appetizing than in the
cities. The commonest dishes were pork, smoked salmon, red herring, cod,
mackerel, Indian meal in many forms, vegetables (including the familiar "
succotash "), pies, and puddings. But in the Northern cities the variety
was greater and equaled that of the South. Philadelphia had scores of
families whose elaborate tables seemed a sinful waste to John Adams, who
has recorded in his diary the luxury of the Quaker households. In
Massachusetts the extravagance of hospitality was none the less marked.
Henry Vassall's expense book mentions oysters, herrings, mackerel, salmon,
sausages, cheese, almonds, biscuit, ducks, chickens, turkeys, fowls,
quails, teals, pigeons, beef, calf's head, rabbit, lamb, veal, venison,
and quantities of vegetables and fruit, as well as honey, chocolate, and
In Virginia breakfast, at least, was a less elaborate meal than in New
England. Harrower tells us that at Belvidera it consisted of tea, coffee,
or chocolate, warm bread, butter, and cold meat. Eddis mentions a Maryland
breakfast "of tea, coffee, and the usual accompaniments, ham, dried
venison, beef, and other relishing articles." Dinner, which was always
served at noon, consisted at Belvidera of " smoack'd bacon or what we call
pork ham . . . either warm or cold; when warm we have also either warm
roast pigg, lamb, ducks, or chicken, green pease or anything else they
fancy." As these colonists also had "plenty of roast and boyled and good
strong beer, " it is perhaps not to be wondered at that they "but seldom
eat any supper." Fithian speaks of a "winter plan" at
Nomini Hall, with coffee " just at evening" and
supper between eight and nine o'clock. Quincy gives an account of his
entertainment at Charleston which is full of interest. "Table decent but
not inelegant; provisions indifferent, but well dressed; good wines and
festivity." And again on other occasions, "a prodigious fine pudding made
of what they call rice flour. Nicknacks brought on table after removal of
meats, " "a most genteel supper, " "a solid plentiful good table." What
most im-
pressed him were the superior quality of the wines, the frequent exchange
of toasts, and the presence of musicians. Adam Gordon said of Charleston
that the poultry and pork were excellent, the beef and mutton middling,
and the fish very rare and expensive. "All the poor, " he added, "and many
of the rich eat rice for bread and give it even a preference; they use it
in their cakes, called Journey Cakes, and boiled, or else boiled Indian
corn, which they call Hominy. "
It is a well-known fact that the colonists were heavy drinkers and that
they consumed liquors of every variety in enormous quantities on all
important occasions — baptisms, weddings, funerals, barn raisings, church
raisings, house raisings, ship launchings, ordinations, perambulations, or
"beating the bounds," at meetings of commissions and committees, and in
taverns, clubs, and private houses. In New England a new officer was
expected on training day "to wet his commission bountifully. " Among the
New England farmers beer, cider, cider brandy, and rum were the ordinary
beverages. Cider, however, gradually supplanted beer, and the thrifty
farmer sometimes laid in for the winter a supply of from ten to thirty
barrels. A keg or puncheon of rum would usually lie alongside the barrels
of cider in the cellar. There it would be left to ripen with age, with the
assistance of about five dozen apples, peeled and cut in pieces, which
were added to improve the flavor. Beer was brewed at home by the wives or
in breweries in some of the towns; even Charleston experimented in brewing
with malt from Philadelphia. Ale and small beer in bottles were imported
from England; and spruce beer was used as a drink and sometimes at sea as
a remedy against scurvy. Rum was distilled in all the leading New England
towns, notably at Boston and Newport. Not only was it drunk at home and
served out as a regular allowance to artisans and workmen, but it was also
used in trade with the Indians, in dealings with the fishermen off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, in exchange with the
Southern Colonies for grain and naval stores, and in the purchase of
slaves in Africa. Rum from the West Indies was always more highly prized
than that of New England and brought a higher price in the market. Though
in all the colonies rum was a common drink and arrack was consumed also to
some extent on Southern tables, the colonists in the North were more
addicted to both these drinks than were the Southerners, and the colonists
in New England more than those in New York and Pennsylvania, where beer
drinking predominated among the Dutch and the Germans. On Southern
plantations the large number of distilleries which existed and the
presence of stillhouses, copper stills, and sweat worms indicate a wider
activity than merely the distilling of rum from molasses. Quantities of
apple and peach brandy, cherry fling, and cherry rum were made in Virginia
and South Carolina, and we know that on one occasion Van Cortlandt
of New York squared a single Virginia account by accepting six hundred
gallons of peach brandy instead of cash. To a certain extent fruit
brandies were made in the North also, but the famous applejack of New
Jersey does not appear to have been introduced until just before the
Revolution. It has been truly said that fruit growing in America "had its
beginning and for almost two hundred years its whole sustenance in the
demand for strong drink."
In 1763 the merchants of Boston estimated that Massachusetts produced yearly 15,000 hogsheads or 1,500,000 gallons of rum, distributed as follows: 9000 hogsheads for home consumption and the whale, cod, and mackerel fisheries; 3000 for the Southern Colonies; 1700 for Africa; and 1300 for Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. These figures upset some time-honored calculations as to the amount of rum used in the slave trade. |
Of imported wines those most frequently in demand were madeira, claret,
Canary vidonia, burgundy and other French wines, port, and brandy. A sort
of homemade claret was prepared from wild grapes by the Huguenots at
Manakintown, but it always remained an experiment. Claret was a table
drink in New England, but Gerard Beekman wrote in 1753 that it was in no
demand in New York and that French wines were not in favor. Though it was
imported in considerable quantities, brandy never became a popular
colonial drink, and in Charleston, when the price was high, it was used
chiefly for medicinal purposes. In the same city, Canary vidonia was
considered much inferior to madeira and was not usually liked because it
was too sweet. Birket, however, said that it was a common drink among
people of fortune in New England, though it was harsh in taste and
inclined to look thick. As a rule the colonists did not like sweet wines,
and for this reason the aromatic malmsey never pleased the colonial
palate. Quincy, who found the Charleston wines "by odds the richest" he
had ever tasted, thought them superior to those served by John Hancock of
Boston and Henry Vassall of Cambridge. His account of the customary
protracted toasting and drinking at Charleston tables reminds one of the
story Hamilton is said to have related of Washington. "Gen'l H. told us, "
says London in his diary, "that Gen'l Washington notwithstanding his
perfect regularity and love of decorum could bear to drink more wine than
most people. He loved to make a procrastinated dinner — made it a rule to
drink a glass of wine with every one at table and yet always drank 3-4 or
more glasses of wine after dinner, according to his company and every
night took a pint of cream and toasted crust for supper."
An excellent idea of the customary drinks of these colonial times can be
gained from a list issued in 1744 by the county court of Chowan, North
Carolina, mentioning madeira, Canary vidonia, Carolina cider, Northern
cider, strong malt beer of American make, flip with half a pint of rum in
it, porter from Great Britain, punch with loaf sugar, lime juice, and half
a pint of rum, British ale or beer bottled and wired in Great Britain.
Flip was made in different ways, but a common variety was a mixture of
rum, pumpkin beer, and brown sugar, into which a red-hot poker had been
plunged. For lighter drinks there were lemonade, citron water,
distillations of anise seed, oranges, cloves, treacle, ratafia,
peppermint, and angelica, and other homemade cordials and liqueurs.
Taverns, usually poor in appearance and service, were to be found
everywhere from Maine to Georgia, in the towns, on the traveled roads, and
at the ferry landings. They not only offered accommodations for man and
beast but frequently served also for council and assembly meetings, social
gatherings, merchants' associations, preaching, the acting of plays; and
their balconies proved convenient for the making of public speeches and
announcements. The taverns, which also provided resorts where it was
possible for "gentlemen to enjoy their bowl and bottle with satisfaction,
" were the scenes of a vast amount of hard drinking and quarreling. It
was, for instance, in a corner parlor of Hatheway's tavern in Charleston
in 1770, that De Lancey was mortally wounded by Hadley in a duel fought
with pistols in the dark. Men met at the taverns in clubs to play
billiards and cards, to drink, and to gamble, and the following record
shows the sort of score that they ran up: "Punch and game of billiards;
one pack of cards; to flip at whick [whist]; to punch at ombre; ditto at
all fours; to liquor at billiards all night; to sangaree and wine; to
sack, punch, and beer; club to brandy punch; to two sangarees at
billiards; to punch at cards, club afterwards." Many of the taverns had
skittle alleys and shuffleboards, but neither these games nor billiards
and bowling were confined to public resorts. Billiard tables were to be
found in private houses, and bowling was often played in alleys specially
built for the purpose; and we are told that Councilman Carter had a
bowling green near Nomini Hall.
Card playing was a common diversion. Packs of cards must have come in with
the first Virginia and Maryland settlers, for card tables are known to
have been in use on Kent Island as early as 1658. The number of packs of
cards imported was prodigious: one ship from London brought to the Cape
Fear Colony toward the end of this period 144 packs, another 576, and
another 888; a Boston invoice shows 1584 packs ; a single Pennsylvania
importation was valued at forty-four pounds sterling. We know that cards
were distributed and sold in stores from Portsmouth and Albany to
Charleston and as far back as the Shenandoah Valley, where Daniel Morgan,
later a major general under Washington, spent his hilarious youth,
drinking rum, playing cards, and running up gambling debts. From these
facts we can appreciate what Peter du Bois meant when he wrote of his days
at Wilmington: "I live very much retired for want of a social set, who
will drink claret and smoke tobacco till four in the morning; the
gentlemen of this town might be so if they pleased, but an intollerable
itch for gaming prevails in all companies. This I conceive is the bane of
society and therefore I shun the devotees to cards and pass my hours
chiefly at home with my pipe and some agreeable author." Henry Laurens, a
merchant, mentions the case of a young man in his countinghouse, who had
given his note to a card sharper and was with difficulty rescued from "the
gaping pickpockets" who had "followed him like a shadow." Gaming for high
stakes was a well-known failing of the Vassall family, and because of his
love for reckless play Henry undoubtedly hastened his bankruptcy. But this
vice was not confined to the quality, for negroes and street boys, from
Salem to Charleston, gambled in the streets at "pawpaw" and dice; and "
huzzlecap " or pitching pennies was so common as to call forth protests
and grand jury presentments in an effort to abate what was justly deemed a
public nuisance.
The use of tobacco was general in every class of society and in every
locality. Even women of the lower classes smoked, for there is a reference
to one who had a fit, dropped a " coal " from her pipe, and was burned to
death. For smoking and chewing, tobacco was either cut and dried or else
was made up into "pigtails," as the small twisted ropes or braids were
called, though "paper tobacco," put up in paper packages, was coming into
favor. Tobacco was smoked only in pipes, either the fine long glazed pipes
of clay imported from England and commonly called " churchwardens, " or in
Indian pipes of red pipestone, often beautifully carved. Probably the
Dutch and Germans continued to use in America their old-country porcelain
pipes with pendulous stems, and it is more than likely that wooden and cob
pipes were in fashion in the rural districts. Cigars were not known in
America until after 1800. Though in early advertisements snuff was
recommended as medicinal, the taking of snuff came to be as much a matter
of social custom as of pleasure : to the rich merchant and planter the
snuffbox was an article of decoration and its proper use a matter of
etiquette. Snuff was usually imported in canisters and bladders and
occasionally in bottles; but there were snuff factories in Philadelphia
and New York, and the father of Gilbert Stuart was a snuff maker in Rhode
In addition to the diversion to be obtained from drinking, smoking, and
gambling, which may be called the representative colonial vices, there
were plenty of amusements and sports which absorbed the attention of the
colonists, North and South. The woods and waters offered endless
opportunity in summer for fishing and in winter for such time-honored
pursuits as hunting, fowling, trapping, and fishing through the ice. John
Rowe of Boston was a famous and untiring fisherman; thousands of other
enthusiasts played the part of colonial Isaak Waltons; and there was a
fishing club on the Schuylkill as early as 1732. Fishing rods, lines,
sinkers, and hooks were commonly imported from England. The woods were
full of such big game as elk, moose, black bears, deer, lynxes, pumas or
panthers (sometimes called "tigers"), gray wolves, and wildcats; and there
was an abundance of such smaller animals as foxes, beavers, martens or
fishers, otters, weasels, minks, raccoons, and muskrats or "musquashes,"
as they are still called in rural New England. These animals were killed
without regard for the future of the species. Sometimes the settlers even
resorted to the wasteful and unsportsmanlike method of burning the
forests, so that the larger animals began to disappear from the Eastern
regions. Buffaloes, for instance, were formerly found in North Carolina as
far east as Craven County, but in the upcountry of South Carolina it was
said that three or four men with dogs could kill twenty of these animals
in a day. In this same State the last elk had been killed as early as
1781. Nor was the case otherwise with the smaller game and fowl. Wooden
decoys and camouflaged boats aided in the destruction of the ducks; caged
pigeons were used to attract the wilder members of the species, which were
shot in large numbers, particularly in New England; and so unlicensed had
the destruction of the heath hen become in New York that in 1708 the
province determined to protect its game by providing for a closed season.
Thus early did the movement for conservation begin in America. The sport
of hunting led to the improvement of firearms and to the introduction of
the English custom of fox-hunting. Guns, which had formerly been clumsy
and unreliable, were now perfected to such a degree that we find
references to a gun which would repeat six times, a chambered gun, a
double-barreled gun, and a "neat birding piece, mounted with brass. "
Rifles, which were common, were used for target practice as well as for
hunting. Rifle matches were arranged in Virginia on muster days, and in
Connecticut shooting at a mark for a money prize was a favorite diversion
on training days. Both the Virginians and the New Yorkers were skillful
fox-hunters and very fond of riding to hounds, for which they imported
their foxes from England.
In the South the two leading sports were horse racing and cockfighting,
though the former was an absorbing passion in all the colonies.
Cockfighting — so well illustrated in Hogarth's famous engraving, which
may well have been on many a colonial wall after 1760 — was a sport which
had been brought to America from England and which had lost none of its
brutality in the transfer. From Annapolis to Charleston the local rivalry
was intense. We read, for example, that a main of cocks was fought between
the gentlemen of Gloucester and those of James River, in which twenty
pairs were matched and fought for five guineas the battle and fifty
guineas the odd. When Gloucester won, James River challenged again and
this time came out ahead, and so the contest went on. Matches were
frequently advertised in the Annapolis, Williamsburg, and Charleston
papers, stating in each case so many cocks, so many battles, so much each
and so much the odd, in guineas, pounds, and pistoles. Champion cocks,
like horses, were known by name and were pitted against all corners.
Quincy saw five battles on his way from Williamsburg to Port Royal, and
mentions having met in Maryland two persons " of the middling rank in
life," who had spent three successive days in cockfighting and "as many
nights in riot and debauchery. "
Horse racing was even more engrossing than cockfighting. What is perhaps
the earliest recorded race took place in York County, Virginia, in 1674,
when a tailor and a physician had a brush with their horses, in
consequence of which the tailor was fined by the county court, because "it
was contrary to law for a labourer to make a race, being a sport only for
gentlemen." Racing in Virginia was thus enjoyed as an occasional pastime
at a very early date, though it did not become a regular practice until
after 1730, when the first blooded stallion was imported. Apparently the
earliest race outside of Virginia occurred in East New Jersey in 1694,
when Sam Jennings was charged with being drunk when riding a horse race
with J. Slocum. It may be noted in passing that horse racing, gambling,
and possessing a billiard table were forbidden by law in Connecticut and
that all such pursuits were discouraged, though not forbidden, in
Massachusetts and Rhode Island.'
Races were run on greens at Newmarket in New Hampshire, at Hempstead,
Flatland Plains, and around Beaver Pond on Long Island, on John
Vanderbilt's field on Staten Island, at Paulus Hook (now Jersey City), at
Morristown and Perth Amboy in New Jersey, at Center Course near
Philadelphia, and at Lancaster in the same colony, at the race course near
Annapolis, at Alexandria, Fredericksburg, and many other places in
Virginia. Races were also run on dozens of "race paths" in
North and South Carolina, where large plantations had their own courses,
as well as on such public tracks as the Round Course at Monck's Corner,
York Course at the Old Quarter House, and Thomas Butler's Race Ground on
Charleston Neck. Horses were raced in Connecticut, but privately rather than publicly.
Hempstead in his Diary (pp. 148, 156, 579, 601) mentions three races and
one race horse.
The number of blooded stallions and mares in the colonies before the
Revolution must have been very large. Massachusetts was the home of many
blooded horses, Rhode Island was famous for its Narragansett pacers, and
even Connecticut had stallions obtained from England for breeding
purposes. Virginia alone, beginning her importation with Bully Rock in
1730, has record of fifty stallions and thirty mares bred from stock
introduced from England, and the services of breeding horses were
frequently advertised. The horses used for racing were, of course, runners
and pacers, as the trotting horse had not yet been introduced, and the
time which they made is recorded as low as two minutes. The fast colts of
Governor Sharpe of Maryland were well known, and Governor Ogle had a
famous imported horse named Spark. The Narragansett pacers, as they were
called, were the most distinctive colonial breed, and horsemen from the
Southern Colonies visited Rhode Island, purchased stock, and advertised
the merits of their animals in the newspapers. Some of the colonial horse
breeders preferred to buy their stock in England, and it is interesting to
note, as an indication of the value of horses in those days, that Charles
Carroll contemplated buying a stallion for one hundred pounds sterling and
brood mares for fifty pounds each. It is perhaps equally interesting to
know that he was dissuaded from his purchase by an inveterate colonial
distrust of the ways of the mother country.
Horse races were of all kinds — for scrubs and thoroughbreds, three- or
four-year-olds, colts, and fillies; the heats were generally the best two
out of three; and the distance was from one to five miles, with entrance
fees and double at the post, and prizes in the form of purses, silver
punch bowls, pint pots and tankards, saddles, bridles, boots, jockey caps,
and the like. There were such prizes, too, as the Jockey Club Plate, the
Town Purse, and the Free Mason's Plate. There was a Jockey Club in
Virginia before the Revolution, but that in Maryland was not organized
until 1783. The crowds were large, the side betting was heavy, and
pickpockets were always on hand. The jockeys, black or white, who rode the
horses were sometimes thrown and seriously injured or killed. On at least
one course a "ladies' gallery," or grand stand, was erected, and there
were doubtless others elsewhere. So great was the popularity of these
races that the Quaker Peckover had to wait until a Virginia race was over
before he could hold a meeting.
It was at the colonial fairs that horse racing was one of the most
conspicuous incidents. These fairs were held in all the colonies outside
of New England, and even there they were occasionally held, except in
Connecticut, where, as the unveracious Samuel Peters says, dancing,
fishing, hunting, skating, and sleighing on the ice were the only
amusements allowed. Though the fairs were in most cases ordained by law,
they were sometimes purely private undertakings, as that held at Rye, New
Hampshire, which was promoted by an innkeeper, or that at Williamsburg, in
1739, which found its support in a fund raised by a group of gentlemen.
The object of the fair was to bring people together, to encourage trade,
and "to provide a general commerce or traffic among persons that want to
buy or sell either the product or manufacture of the country or any other
sorts of goods or merchandize. " In some colonies the fairs, which usually
lasted for three days, were held but once a year in the autumn but in
others twice a year, in May and in September or October. On these
occasions horses, oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, and sundry sorts of goods were
exposed for sale. The people indulged in such varieties of sport as a slow
horse race with a silver watch to the hindmost, a foot race at
Williamsburg from the college to the capitol, a race for women, on Long
Island, with a Holland smock and a chintz gown for prizes, a race by men
in bags, and an obstacle race for boys. There were cudgeling bouts, bear
baiting, gouging, a notoriously cruel sport, and catching a goose at full
speed or a pig with a greased tail. There were also such other amusing
entertainments as grinning contests by half a dozen men or women for a
roll of tobacco or a plum pudding, and whistling contests for a guinea, in
which the participants were to whistle selected tunes as clearly as
possible without laughing. The people enjoyed puppet shows, ropewalking,
and fortune telling; and the ubiquitous medicine hawker sold his wares
from a stage "and by his harangues, the odd tricks of his Merry Andrew,
and the surprising feats of his little boy" always attracted a crowd. The
fairs were also utilized in Virginia as an occasion for paying debts,
trading horses, buying land, and obtaining bills of exchange.
Prominent among more aristocratic colonial diversions were the balls and
assemblies given in private and public houses, where dancing was the order
of the evening. Dancing, though not strictly forbidden in New England, was
not encouraged, particularly if it were promiscuous or mixed. Yet so
frequent were the occasions for dancing that many dancing schools were
conducted in the larger towns. One of the most noted was that of Charles
Pelham in Boston, where in 1754 lessons were given three afternoons a
week. State balls, governor's assemblies, and private gatherings were
marked by lavish display, formal etiquette, and prolonged dancing,
drinking, and card playing. The quality, who arrived in coaches, wore
their most resplendent costumes, went through the steps of the stately
minuet, and also joined in the jigs, reels, marches, country dances, and
hornpipes which were all in vogue at that time.
Music, which was a popular colonial accomplishment, was taught as an
important subject in a number of schools, and many a daughter was kept at
her scales until she cried from sheer exhaustion. In the South the
colonists were familiar with such musical instruments as the spinnet,
harpsichord, pianoforte, viol, violin, violoncello, guitar, German flute,
French horn, and jew's-harp. Thomas Jefferson was "vastly pleased" with
Jenny Taliaferro's playing on the spinnet and singing. Benjamin Carter,
son of Councilman Carter of Nomini Hall, had a guitar, a harpsichord, a
pianoforte, a harmonica, a violin, a German flute, and an organ. He also
had a good ear for music and, as Fithian tells us, was indefatigable in
practice. Captain Goelet went to a " consort " in Boston, where the
performers, playing on four small violins, one bass violin, a German
flute, and an " indifrent small organ," did "as well as could be
expected." Josiah Quincy attended a meeting of the St. Cecilia Society in
Charleston in a "large inelegant building," where the performers were all
at one end of the hall, and the music, he thought, " was good, " the
playing on the bass viols and French horns being " grand, " but that on
the harpsichord "badly done," though the performance of a recently arrived
French violinist was incomparable." "The capital defect of this concert,"
he said, "was want of an organ. "
Interest in the drama in these early days was much less general than the
love of music, owing to the rare opportunities which the people had for
seeing plays. While there may have been private performances given by
amateurs in the seventeenth century, the earliest of which we have any
record were those given before Governor Spotswood in Williamsburg,
probably in the theater erected in 1716, that in the "playhouse" in New
York before 1733, and that in the court room in Charleston in 1735.
Taverns, court rooms, and warehouses were used for much of the early
acting, and the first theaters in Williamsburg, New York, Charleston,
Philadelphia, and Annapolis, were crude affairs, rough unadorned buildings
very much like warehouses or tobacco barns in appearance. There were no
professional companies until 1750, when Murray, Kean, Lewis Hallam, and
David Douglas began the history of the theater in America and aroused a
great deal of interest in plays and play-going from New York to Savannah.
Nearly all the plays, both tragedies and comedies, of these days were of
English origin. Some of these early dramas were The Recruiting Officer,
The Orphan, The Spanish Friar or the Double Discovery, The Jealous Wife,
Theodosius or the Mourning Bride, The Distressed Mother, Love in a
Village, The Provoked Husband, The School for Lovers, and a few of
Shakespeare's plays, such as The Tempest, King Lear, Hamlet, and Romeo and
Juliet. Though earlier plays had been written in America but not acted,
there was performed at Philadelphia in 1767 the first American tragedy,
The Prince of Parthia, by Thomas Godfrey, son of the William Godfrey, with
whom Franklin boarded for a time, and who shares with Hadley the honor of
inventing the quadrant. Though there was no theater in New England until
later, in 1732, the New England Weekly Journal of Boston, in defiance of
Puritan prejudice, printed in its columns a play, The London Merchant.
Though the Quaker opposition was not overcome until 1754 in Philadelphia,
when Hallam went there with his company, the first permanent theater in
America, the Southwark, was built in that city in 1766, and it was there a
year later that Godfrey's tragedy was performed.
During the twenty years preceding the Revolution, theatergoing was a
constant diversion among the better class in the Middle and Southern
Colonies, and Mrs. Manigault of Charleston tells us in her diary that she
went five times in one week. Colonel Jones wrote from Williamsburg in
1736: "You may tell Betty Pratt [his stepdaughter] there has been but two
plays acted since she went, which is Cato by the young gentlemen of the
college, as they call themselves, and the Busybody by the company on
Wednesday night last and I believe there will be another to-night. They
have been at a great loss for a fine lady, who I think is called Dorinda,
but that difficulty is overcome by finding her, which was to be the
greatest secret and as such 'tis said to be Miss Anderson that came to
town with Mrs. Carter." William Allason, writing from Falmouth, Virginia,
in 1771, said: "The best sett of players that ever performed in America
are to open the theater in Fredericksburg on Tuesday next and continue for
some weeks." Quincy saw Hallam in The Padlock and The Gamester in New York
in 1773 and thought him indifferent in tragedy but better in comedy, while
some of his company "acted superlatively."
Occasional amusements of a less formal or permanent nature existed in
great variety. Itinerant performers passed up and down the colonies.
Dugee, an artist on the slack wire, began his exhibitions in 1732 at Van
Dernberg's Garden in New York. Mrs. Eleanor Harvey made quite a sensation
as a fortune teller shortly before the Revolution. Exhibitions of dwarfs,
electrical devices and displays, musical clocks, and Punch and Judy shows
were common in most of the cities and larger towns. Waxworks were also
very popular; and of these the most famous were those of Mrs. Wright, with
the figures of Whitefield and John Dickinson, and groups illustrating the
Return of the Prodigal Son. The beginnings of a menagerie and circus may
be seen in the exhibition of a lion in the Jerseys, New York, and
Connecticut in 1729, the horses that did tricks and the dogs that rode
sitting up in the saddle, and the " shows " that occasionally came to New
England towns. On important occasions fireworks, rockets, wheels, and
candles were set off. Michel gives an entertaining account of a display at
Williamsburg in 1702, at which a number of mishaps occurred. The show
began with a "reversed rocket, which was to pass along a string to an
arbor where prominent ladies were seated, but it got stuck half-way and
exploded. Two stars [wheels] were to revolve through the fireworks, but
they succeeded no better than with the rockets. In short, nothing was
successful, the rockets also refused to fly up, but fell down archlike, so
that it was not worth while seeing. Most of the people, however, had never
seen such things and praised them highly. "
Showing four-poster bed with curtains and valance, and truckle to be
pulled out from beneath the larger bed. In the Essex Institute, Salem,
The calendar days of St. Andrew, St. Patrick, St. David, and St. George
were celebrated in the South with drinking and speechmaking, and St.
Tammany Day was observed in Philadelphia with music and feasting.
Christmas week was a period of merrymaking not only in the South but also
among the Anglicans in the North, where a Christmas service was always
held in King's Chapel in Boston. In both sections of the country the
occasion was marked by presents to members of the family and to friends
and by " boxes " (a term familiar to the Southerners and still in use in
England) to the servants and tradesmen. It was customary to observe
Gunpowder Day, the 5th of November, in Northern cities, where it was
called Pope Day and was celebrated by boys and young men, who carried
about in procession effigies of the Pope, the devil, and any one else who
was for the moment in popular disfavor. The day, however, was accompanied
by so much rowdiness and disturbance of the peace in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, that its continuance was forbidden in 1768 by order of the
Assembly. Thanksgiving Day, that time-honored New England institution
which originated with the Pilgrim Fathers in 1621, had become in the
eighteenth century an annual November observance, proclaimed by the
Governor. During this holiday no labor could be performed; the people
gathered at church and feasted at their homes, surrounded by their kin
from far and near, engaging occasionally in harmless enjoyment, but
without hilarity or unseemly indulgence.
In the North especially, quoits, football, ball and bat (not baseball,
which was a nineteenth-century introduction), stoolball (the forerunner of
cricket, with the wicket originally a stool), cricket, and wicket were
common sports. Bowling, billiards, and shuffleboard have already been
mentioned. For younger people there were plenty of marbles and alleys,
tag, tops, and other games so admirably described by Mrs. Earle in her
Child Life in Colonial Days, to whose lists may be added pitching pennies,
" Button, Button," and "Break the Pope's Neck. " Little children had their
toys and dolls, often imported in large quantities from England, and dolls
of colonial make in Indian costumes. One of these, clad in a dress with a
flap or belly clout, stockings, moccasins, and shells for the neck, and
with cap of wampum, an Indian basket, and a bow and arrows, William Byrd,
3d, sent as a present to England.
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