John Hawkins, Slavers, and Gentlemen Pirates
Said Francis I of France to Charles V, King of Spain: 'Your
Majesty and the King of Portugal have divided the world between you,
offering no part of it to me. Show me, I pray you, the will of our
father Adam, so that I may see if he has really made you his only
universal heirs!' Then Francis sent out the Italian navigator
Verrazano, who first explored the coast from Florida to
Newfoundland. Afterwards Jacques Cartier discovered the St.
Lawrence; Frenchmen took Havana twice, plundered the Spanish
treasure-ships, and tried to found colonies--Catholic in Canada,
Protestant in Florida and Brazil.
Thus, at the time when
Elizabeth ascended the throne of England in 1558, there was a
long-established New Spain extending over Mexico, the West Indies,
and most of South America; a small New Portugal confined to part of
Brazil; and a shadowy New France running vaguely inland from the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, nowhere effectively occupied, and mostly
overlapping prior English claims based on the
discoveries of the
England and France had often been enemies. England and Spain had
just been allied in a war against France as well as by the marriage
of Philip and Mary. William Hawkins had traded with Portuguese
Brazil under Henry VIII, as the
Southampton merchants were to do later on. English merchants lived
in Lisbon and Cadiz; a few were even settled in New Spain; and a
friendly Spaniard had been so delighted by the prospective union of
the English with the Spanish crown that he had given the name of
Londres (London) to a new settlement in the Argentine Andes.
Presently, however,
Elizabethan England began to part company with Spain, to become
more anti-Papal, to sympathize with Huguenots and other heretics,
and, like Francis I, to wonder why an immense new world should be
nothing but New Spain. Besides, Englishmen knew what the rest of
Europe knew, that the discovery of Potosi had put out of business
nearly all the Old-World silver mines, and that the Burgundian Ass
(as Spanish treasure-mules were called, from Charles's love of
Burgundy) had enabled Spain to make conquests, impose her will on
her neighbors, and keep paid spies in every foreign court, the
English court included. Londoners had seen Spanish gold and silver
paraded through the streets when Philip married Mary--'27 chests of
bullion, 99 horseloads + 2 cartloads of gold and silver coin, and 97
boxes full of silver bars!' Moreover, the Holy Inquisition was
making Spanish seaports pretty hot for heretics. In 1562, twenty-six
English subjects were burnt alive in Spain itself. Ten times as many
were in prison. No wonder sea-dogs were straining at the leash.
Neither Philip nor Elizabeth wanted war just then, though each
enjoyed a thrust at the other by any kind of fighting short of that,
and though each winked at all kinds of armed trade, such as
privateering and even downright piracy. The English and Spanish
merchants had commercial connections going back for centuries; and
business men on both sides were always ready to do a good stroke for
was the state of affairs in 1562 when young John Hawkins, son of
'Olde Master William,' went into the slave trade with New Spain.
Except for the fact that both Portugal and Spain allowed no trade
with their oversea possessions in any ships but their own, the
circumstances appeared to favor his enterprise. The American Indians
were withering away before the atrocious cruelties of the Portuguese
and Spaniards, being either killed in battle, used up in merciless
slavery, or driven off to alien wilds. Already the Portuguese had
commenced to import blacks from their West African possessions, both
for themselves and for trade with the Spaniards, who had none.
Brazil prospered beyond expectation and absorbed all the blacks that
Portuguese shipping could supply. The Spaniards had no spare tonnage
at the time.
John Hawkins, aged thirty, had made several trips to the Canaries.
He now formed a joint-stock company to trade with the Spaniards
farther off. Two Lord Mayors of London and the Treasurer of the
Royal Navy were among the subscribers. Three small vessels, with
only two hundred and sixty tons between them, formed the flotilla.
The crews numbered just a hundred men. 'At Teneriffe he received
friendly treatment. From thence he passed to Sierra Leona, where he
stayed a good time, and got into his possession, partly by the sword
and partly by other means, to the number of 300 Blacks at the least,
besides other merchandises.... With this prey he sailed over the
ocean sea unto the island of Hispaniola [Hayti]... and here he had
reasonable utterance [sale] of his English commodities, as also of
some part of his Blacks, trusting the Spaniards no further than that
by his own strength he was able still to master them.' At 'Monte
Christi, another port on the north side of Hispaniola... he made
vent of [sold] the whole number of his Blacks, for which he received
by way of exchange such a quantity of merchandise that he did not
only lade his own three ships with hides, ginger, sugars, and some
quantity of pearls, but he freighted also two other hulks with hides
and other like commodities, which he sent into Spain,' where both
hulks and hides were confiscated as being contraband.
Nothing daunted, he was off again in 1564 with four ships and a
hundred and seventy men. This time Elizabeth herself took shares and
lent the "Jesus of Lubeck", a vessel of seven hundred tons which
Henry VIII had bought for the navy.
Nobody questioned slavery in those days. The great Spanish
missionary Las Casas denounced the Spanish atrocities against the
Indians. But he thought blacks, who could be domesticated, would do
as substitutes for Indians, who could not be domesticated. The
Indians withered at the white man's touch. The blacks, if properly
treated, throve, and were safer than among their enemies at home.
Such was the argument for slavery. The argument against, on the
score of ill treatment, was only gradually heard. On the score of
general human rights it was never heard at all.
'At departing, in cutting the foresail lashings a marvellous misfortune happened to one of the officers in the ship, who by the pulley of the sheet was slain out of hand.' Hawkins 'appointed all the masters of his ships an Order for the keeping of good company in this manner:--The small ships to be always ahead and aweather of the "Jesus", and to speak twice a-day with the "Jesus" at least.... If the weather be extreme, that the small ships cannot keep company with the "Jesus", then all to keep company with the "Solomon".... If any happen to any misfortune, then to show two lights, and to shoot off a piece of ordnance. If any lose company and come in sight again, to make three yaws [zigzags in their course] and strike the mizzen three times. SERVE GOD DAILY. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. PRESERVE YOUR VICTUALS. BEWARE OF FIRE, AND KEEP GOOD COMPANY.' |
Before reading on, one would do well to read up on the second voyage of John Hawkins to America, as penned by the eloquent John Spark.
- John Spark's Chronicle of America (Quotes)
Hawkins was now a rich man, a favorite at court, and quite the
rage in London. The Queen was very gracious and granted him the
well-known coat of arms with the crest of 'a demi-Moor, bound and
captive' in honor of the great new English slave trade. The Spanish
ambassador met him at court and asked him to dinner, where, over the
wine, Hawkins assured him that he was going out again next year.
Meanwhile, however, the famous Captain-General of the Indian trade,
Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, the best naval officer that Spain
perhaps has ever had, swooped down on the French in Florida, killed
them all, and built the fort of St. Augustine to guard the
'Mountains of Bright Stones' somewhere in the hinterland. News of
this slaughter soon arrived at Madrid, whence orders presently went
out to have an eye on Hawkins, whom Spanish officials thenceforth
regarded as the leading interloper in New Spain.
Nevertheless Hawkins set out on his third and very 'troublesome'
voyage in 1567, backed by all his old and many new supporters, and
with a flotilla of six vessels, the "Jesus", the "Minion" (which
then meant darling), the "William and John", the "Judith", the
"Angel", and the "Swallow". This was the voyage that began those
twenty years of sea-dog fighting which rose to their zenith in the
battle against the Armada; and with this voyage Drake himself steps
on to the stage as captain of the "Judith".
There had been a hitch in 1566, for the Spanish ambassador had
reported Hawkins's after-dinner speech to his king. Philip had
protested to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth had consulted with Cecil,
afterwards 'the great Lord Burleigh,' ancestor of the Marquis of
Salisbury, British Prime Minister during the Spanish-American War of
1898. The result was that orders went down to Plymouth stopping
Hawkins and binding him over, in a bond of five hundred pounds, to
keep the peace with Her Majesty's right good friend King Philip of
Spain. But in 1567 times had changed again, and Hawkins sailed with
colors flying, for Elizabeth was now as ready to hurt Philip as he
was to hurt her, provided always that open war was carefully
But this time things went wrong from the first. A tremendous
autumnal storm scattered the ships. Then the first blacks that
Hawkins tried to 'snare' proved to be like that other kind of prey
of which the sarcastic Frenchman wrote: 'This animal is very wicked;
when you attack it, it defends itself.' The 'envenomed arrows' of
the blacks worked the mischief. 'There hardly escaped any that had
blood drawn of them, but died in strange sort, with their mouths
shut some ten days before they died.' Hawkins himself was wounded,
but, 'thanks be to God,' escaped the lockjaw. After this the English
took sides in a native war and captured '250 persons, men, women,
and children,' while their friend the King captured '600 prisoners,
whereof we hoped to have had our choice. But the negro, in which
nation is seldom or never found truth, that night removed his camp
and prisoners, so that we were fain to content ourselves with those
few we had gotten ourselves.'
However, with 'between 400 and 500 blacks,' Hawkins crossed over
from Africa to the West Indies and 'coasted from place to place,
making our traffic with the Spaniards as we might, somewhat hardly,
because the King had straitly commanded all his governors by no
means to suffer any trade to be made with us. Notwithstanding, we
had reasonable trade, and courteous entertainment' for a good part
of the way. In Rio de la Hacha the Spaniards received the English
with a volley that killed a couple of men, whereupon the English
smashed in the gates, while the Spaniards retired. But, after this
little bit of punctilio, trade went on under cover of night so
briskly that two hundred blacks were sold at good prices. From there
to Cartagena 'the inhabitants were glad of us and traded willingly,'
supply being short and demand extra high.
Then came a real rebuff from the governor of Cartagena, followed by
a terrific storm 'which so beat the "Jesus" that we cut down all her
higher buildings' (deck superstructures). Then the course was shaped
for Florida. But a new storm drove the battered flotilla back to
'the port which serveth the city of Mexico, called St. John de
Ulua,' the modern Vera Cruz. The historic Vera Cruz was fifteen
miles north of this harbor. Here 'thinking us to be the fleet of
Spain, the chief officers of the country came aboard us. Which,
being deceived of their expectation, were greatly dismayed; but ...
when they saw our demand was nothing but victuals, were recomforted.
I [for it is Hawkins's own story] found in the same port 12 ships
which had in them by report £200,000 in gold and silver, all which,
being in my possession [i.e., at my mercy] with the King's Island
... I set at liberty.'
What was to be done? Hawkins had a hundred blacks still to sell. But
it was four hundred miles to Mexico City and back again; and a new
Spanish viceroy was aboard the big Spanish fleet that was daily
expected to arrive in this very port. If a permit to sell came back
from the capital in time, well and good. If no more than time to
replenish stores was allowed, good enough, despite the loss of
sales. But what if the Spanish fleet arrived? The 'King's Island'
was a low little reef right in the mouth of the harbor, which it all
but barred. Moreover, no vessel could live through a northerly gale
inside the harbor--the only one on that coast--unless securely
moored to the island itself. Consequently whoever held the island
commanded the situation altogether.
There was not much time for consultation; for the very next morning
'we saw open of the haven 13 great ships, the fleet of Spain.' It
was a terrible predicament. '"Now", said I, "I am in two dangers,
and forced to receive the one of them".... Either I must have kept
out the fleet, which, with God's help, I was very well able to do,
or else suffer them to enter with their accustomed treason.... If I
had kept them out, then there had been present shipwreck of all that
fleet, which amounted in value to six millions, which was in value
of our money £1,800,000, which I considered I was not able to
answer, fearing the Queen's Majesty's indignation.... Thus with
myself revolving the doubts, I thought better to abide the jut of
the uncertainty than of the certainty.' So, after conditions had
been agreed upon and hostages exchanged, the thirteen Spanish ships
sailed in. The little island remained in English hands; and the
Spaniards were profuse in promises.
But, having secretly made their preparations, the Spaniards, who
were in overwhelming numbers, suddenly set upon the English by land
and sea. Every Englishman ashore was killed, except a few who got
off in a boat to the "Jesus". The "Jesus" and the "Minion" cut their
headfasts, hauled clear by their sternfasts, drove back the boarding
parties, and engaged the Spanish fleet at about a hundred yards.
Within an hour the Spanish flagship and another were sunk, a third
vessel was burning furiously, fore and aft, while every English deck
was clear of enemies. But the Spaniards had swarmed on to the island
from all sides and were firing into the English hulls at only a few
feet from the cannon's mouth. Hawkins was cool as ever. Calling for
a tankard of beer he drank to the health of the gunners, who
accounted for most of the five hundred and forty men killed on the
Spanish side. 'Stand by your ordnance lustily,' he cried, as he put
the tankard down and a round shot sent it flying. 'God hath
delivered me,' he added, 'and so will He deliver you from these
traitors and villains.'
The masts of the "Jesus" went by the board and her old, strained
timbers splintered, loosened up, and were stove in under the storm
of cannon balls. Hawkins then gave the order to abandon ship after
taking out what stores they could and changing her berth so that she
would shield the little "Minion". But while this desperate manoeuvre
was being executed down came two fire-ships. Some of the "Minion's"
crew then lost their heads and made sail so quickly that Hawkins
himself was nearly left behind.
The only two English vessels that escaped were the "Minion" and the
"Judith". When nothing else was left to do, Hawkins shouted to Drake
to lay the "Judith" aboard the "Minion", take in all the men and
stores he could, and put to sea. Drake, then only twenty-three, did
this with consummate skill. Hawkins followed some time after and
anchored just out of range. But Drake had already gained an offing
that caused the two little vessels to part company in the night,
during which a whole gale from the north sprang up, threatening to
put the "Judith" on a lee shore. Drake therefore fought his way to
windward; and, seeing no one when the gale abated, and having barely
enough stores to make a friendly land, sailed straight home. Hawkins
reported the "Judith", without mentioning Drake's name, as
'forsaking' the "Minion". But no other witness thought Drake to
Hawkins himself rode out the gale under the lee of a little island,
then beat about for two weeks of increasing misery, when 'hides were
thought very good meat, and rats, cats, mice, and dogs, parrots and
monkeys that were got at great price, none escaped.' The "Minion"
was of three hundred tons; and so was insufferably overcrowded with
three hundred men, two hundred English and one hundred blacks.
Drake's little "Judith", of only fifty tons, could have given no
relief, as she was herself overfull. Hawkins asked all the men who
preferred to take their chance on land to get round the foremast and
all those who wanted to remain afloat to get round the mizzen. About
a hundred chose one course and a hundred the other. The landing took
place about a hundred and fifty miles south of the Rio Grande. The
shore party nearly all died. But three lived to write of their
adventures. David Ingram, following Indian trails all round the Gulf
of Mexico and up the Atlantic seaboard, came out where St. John, New
Brunswick, stands now, was picked up by a passing Frenchman, and so
got safely home. Job Hortop and Miles Philips were caught by the
Spaniards and sent back to Mexico. Philips escaped to England
fourteen years later. But Hortop was sent to Spain, where he served
twelve years as a galley-slave and ten as a servant before he
contrived to get aboard an English vessel.
The ten Spanish hostages were found safe and sound aboard the
"Jesus"; though, by all the rules of war, Hawkins would have been
amply justified in killing them. The English hostages were kept fast
prisoners. 'If all the miseries of this sorrowful voyage,' says
Hawkins's report, 'should be perfectly written, there should need a
painful man with his pen, and as great a time as he had that wrote
the lives and deaths of martyrs.'
Thus, in complete disaster, ended that third voyage to New Spain on
which so many hopes were set. And with this disastrous end began
those twenty years of sea-dog rage which found their satisfaction
against the Great Armada.
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