The Trade-Winds Impact on America
From latitude 30 degrees N. to 30 degrees S. the trade-winds prevail. As
they blow from the east, they make it easy for boats to come from Africa
to America. In comparatively recent times they brought the slave ships
from the Guinea coast to our southern States. The African, like the
Indian, has passed through a most unfavorable environment on his way from
central Asia to America. For ages he was doomed to live in a climate where
high temperature and humidity weed out the active type of human being.
By far the most important occurrence which can be laid at the door
of the trade-winds is the bringing of the civilization of Europe and the
Mediterranean to the New World. Twice this may have happened, but the
first occurrence is doubtful and left only a slight impression. For
thousands of years the people around the Mediterranean Sea have been bold
sailors. Before 600 B.C.
Pharaoh Necho, so Herodotus says, had sent
Phoenician ships on a three-year cruise entirely around Africa.
The Phoenicians also sailed by way of Gibraltar to England to bring tin
from Cornwall, and by 500 B.C. the Carthaginians were well acquainted with
the Atlantic coast of northern Africa.
At some time or other, long before the Christian era, a ship
belonging to one of the peoples of the eastern Mediterranean was probably
blown to the shores of America by the steady trade-winds. Of course, no
one can say positively that such a voyage occurred. Yet certain curious
similarities between the Old World and the New enable us to infer with a
great deal of probability that it actually happened. The mere fact, for
example, that the adobe houses of the
Pueblo Indians of New Mexico are strikingly like the houses of
northern Africa and Persia is no proof that the civilization of the Old
World and the New are related. A similar physical environment might
readily cause the same type of house to be evolved in both places. When we
find striking similarities of other kinds, however, the case becomes quite
different. The constellations of the zodiac, for instance, are typified by
twelve living creatures, such as the twins, the bull, the lion, the
virgin, the crab, and the goat. Only one of the constellations, the
scorpion, presents any real resemblance to the animal for which it is
named. Yet the signs of the zodiac in Mediterranean lands and in
pre-Columbian America from Peru to southern Mexico are almost identical.
(For more information see S. Hagar, "The Bearing of Astronomy on the
Problems of the Unity or Plurality and the Probable Place of Origin of the
American Aborigines, in American Anthropologist," vol. XIV (1912),
pp. 43-48.)
Sign | English | Peruvian | Mexican | Maya |
Aries | Ram | Llama | Flayer | --- |
Taurus | Bull (originally Stag) | Stag | Stag or Deer | Stag |
Gemini | Twins | Man and Woman | Twins | Two Generals |
Cancer | Crab | Cuttlefish | Cuttlefish | Cuttlefish |
Leo | Lion | Puma | Ocelot | Ocelot |
Virgo | Virgin (Mother Goddess of Cereals) | Maize Mother | Maize Mother | Maize Mother |
Libra | Scales (originally part of Scorpio) | Forks | Scorpion | Scorpion |
Scorpio | Scorpion | Mummy | Scorpion | Scorpion |
Sagittarius | Bowman | Arrows or Spears | Hunter and War God | Hunter and War God |
Capricornus | Sea Goat | Beard | Bearded God | ---- |
Aquarius | Water Pourer | Water | Water | Water |
Pisces | Fishes (and Knot) | Knot | Twisted Reeds | --- |
Notice how closely these lists are alike. The ram does not appear
in America because no such animal was known there. The nearest
substitute was the llama. In the Old World the second constellation
is now called the bull, but curiously enough in earlier days it was
called the stag in Mesopotamia. The twins, instead of being Castor
and Pollux, may equally well be a man and a woman or two generals.
To landsmen not familiar with creatures of the deep, the crab and
the cuttlefish would not seem greatly different. The lion is unknown
in America, but the creature which most nearly takes his place is
the puma or ocelot. So it goes with all the signs of the zodiac.
There are little differences between the Old World and the New, but
they only emphasize the resemblance. Mathematically there is not one
chance in thousands or even millions that such a resemblance could
grow up by accident. Other similarities between ceremonies or
religious words in the Old World and the New might be pointed out,
but the zodiac is illustration enough.
Such resemblances, however, do not indicate a permanent connection
between Mediterranean civilization and that of Central America. They
do not even indicate that any one ever returned from the Western
Hemisphere to the Eastern previous to Columbus. Nor do they indicate
that the civilization of the New World arose from that of the Old.
They simply suggest that after the people of the Mediterranean
regions had become well civilized and after those of America were
also sufficiently civilized to assimilate new ideas, a stray ship or
two was blown by the trade-winds across the Atlantic. That
hypothetical voyage was the precursor of the great journey of
Columbus. Without the trade-winds this historic discoverer never
could have found the West Indies. Suppose that a strong west wind
had blown him backward on his course when his men were mutinous.
Suppose that he had been forced to beat against head winds week
after week. Is there one chance in a thousand that even his
indomitable spirit could have kept his craft headed steadily into
the west? But because there were the trade-winds to bring him, the
way was opened for the energetic people of Europe to possess the new
continent. Thus the greatest stream of immigration commenced to
flow, and the New World began to take on a European aspect.
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