The Effect of the Commonwealth on Virginia
On the 30th of January, 1649, before the palace of Whitehall, Charles the
First of England was beheaded. In Virginia the event fell with a shock.
Even those within the colony who were Cromwell's men rather than Charles's
men seem to have recoiled from this act. Presently, too, came fleeing
royalists from overseas, to add their passionate voices to those of the
royalists in Virginia. Many came, "nobility, clergy and gentry, men of the
first rate." A thousand are said to have arrived in the year after the
King's death.
In October the Virginia Assembly met. Parliament men -- and now
these were walking with head in the air -- might regret the execution of
the past January, and yet be prepared to assert that with the fall of the
kingdom fell all powers and offices named and decreed by the hapless
monarch. What was a passionate royalist government doing in Virginia now
that England was a Commonwealth? The passionate government answered for
itself in acts passed by this Assembly. With swelling words, with a tragic
accent, it denounced the late happenings in England and all the Roundhead
wickedness that led up to them. It proclaimed loyalty to "his sacred
Majesty that now is" -- that is, to Charles Stuart, afterwards Charles the
Second, then a refugee on the Continent. Finally it enacted that any who
defended the late proceedings, or in the least affected to question "the
undoubted and inherent right of his Majesty that now is to the Collony of
Virginia" should be held guilty of high treason; and that "reporters and
divulgers" of rumors tending to change of government should be punished
"even to severity."
Berkeley's words may be detected in these acts of the Assembly. In
no great time the Cavalier Governor conferred with Colonel Henry Norwood,
one of the royalist refugees to Virginia. Norwood thereupon sailed away
upon a Dutch ship and came to Holland, where he found "his Majesty that
now is." Here he knelt, and invited that same Majesty to visit his
dominion of Virginia, and, if he liked it, there to rest, sovereign of the
Virginian people. But Charles still hoped to be sovereign in England and
would not cross the seas. He sent, however, to Sir William Berkeley a
renewal of his Governor's commission, and appointed Norwood Treasurer of
Virginia, and said, doubtless, many gay and pleasant things.
In Virginia there continued to appear from England adherents of the
ancient regime. Men, women, and children came until to a considerable
degree the tone of society rang Cavalier. This immigration, now lighter,
now heavier, continued through a rather prolonged period. There came now
to Virginia families whose names are often met in the later history of the
land. Now Washingtons appear, with Randolphs, Carys, Skipwiths, Brodnaxes,
Tylers, Masons, Madisons, Monroes, and many more. These persons are not
without means; they bring with them servants; they are in high favor with
Governor and Council; they acquire large tracts of virgin land; they bring
in indentured labor; they purchase African slaves; they cultivate tobacco.
From being English country gentlemen they turn easily to become Virginia
But the Virginia Assembly had thrown a gauntlet before the
victorious Commonwealth; and the Long Parliament now declared the colony
to be in contumacy, assembled and dispatched ships against her, and laid
an embargo upon trade with the rebellious daughter. In January of 1652
English ships appeared off Point Comfort. Four Commissioners of the
Commonwealth were aboard, of whom that strong man Claiborne was one. After
issuing a proclamation to quiet the fears of the people, the Commissioners
made their way to Jamestown. Here was found the indomitable Berkeley and
his Council in a state of active preparation, cannon trained. But, when
all was said, the Commissioners had brought wisely moderate terms: submit
because submit they must, acknowledge the Commonwealth, and, that done,
rest unmolested! If resistance continued, there were enough Parliament men
in Virginia to make an army. Indentured servants and slaves should receive
freedom in exchange for support to the Commonwealth. The ships would come
up from Point Comfort, and a determined war would be on. What Sir William
Berkeley personally said has not survived. But after consultation upon
consultation Virginia surrendered to the commonwealth.
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