New France
Although Spain lost control of the high seas with the defeat of the Armada, Spanish authority still remained dominant in Central and South America, and Spanish settlements in the southern part of North America increased steadily until they extended from Florida around the gulf coast to Mexico and up to the Pacific coast far into California. It was not from the Spaniard, however, busily engaged as he was in exploiting an empire in his own way, that the Englishman on the Atlantic coast was to meet strong opposition. Except on the frontier of the Floridas, they nowhere came in contact. It was from the Frenchman to the north and west, who were penetrating the back country in search of furs, fortifying the strategic points, and establishing an inland empire, lightly but firmly held. The New Englander was in contact with the French inhabitant of Quebec and Acadia. The frontiersman of New York, Pennsylvania, or Virginia came frequently upon the French trader at the very back door of his own colony.
Even if there had been no European or Oriental quarrels to set their mother countries upon each other, the colonials would sooner or later have come to blows. The French in Acadia menaced the growing commerce of New England, and the Puritan hated Popish neighbors. The specter of an Indian warrior infuriated by French brandy and religious bigotry was ever in the mind of the English backwoodsman. The French feared the advance of the English pioneer over the mountains into the rich Ohio valley threatening the fur trade upon which his colonial empire was based. These antagonisms were stirred to violence by unending quarrels in Europe. The feud between England and France was fought out in a series of wars, named by the English colonials: King William's War, 1689-1697; Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713; King George's war, 1739-1748; and the French and Indian war, 1754-1763. In all the plan was the same. Englishmen launched successive attacks against Quebec and Montreal and strove to win and hold Acadia. Frenchmen harassed the frontier with fire and Indian vengeance, countered the English blows, and clung desperately to the Ohio valley. In the end, the English captured Quebec and Montreal and forced the French to deliver up their inland empire. For allying themselves with the French against the English, the Spaniards were given in 1763 Louisiana - all that France had claimed west of the Mississippi, south of the great unexplored regions to the northwest. The triumph of England, however, brought with peace a new menace to the British Empire. The colonial inhabitants of the seaboard colonies watched the French peril vanish with mixed emotions. They exulted in victory, for the last war had been in a larger sense their war with the French and Indians. The French were gone. For the Indians they only had contempt. With a new feeling of security and power, they faced the settlement of their relations with the Imperial British Government.
- The French on the North and West
- Early Virginian hostility to the French in Maine
- French pioneers in the West
- New Orleans
- Search for the Western Sea
- English competitors from Hudson Bay
- The clash in the valley of the Ohio
- The Feud between England and France
- "King William's War" 1689-1697
Frontenac and Phips
- Schenectady
- Phips at Port Royal in Acadia
- Phips before Quebec
- Failure
- Schuyler's expedition into Canada
- The advance of Frontenac in 1696
- The peace of Ryswick
- Biography of Comte Frontenac
The contrast of French and English
- European rivalry and colonial strife
- Catholic and Protestant
- French despotism and English self-government
- The difference of population
- "Queen Anne's War" 1702-1713
- French aggression of the frontier of New England
- The march of Nicholson against Port Royal
- The expedition of Hill and Walker
against Quebec
- Dismal failure
- The treaty of Utrecht
- The French entrenchment at Louisburg
- Thirty years of peace
"King George's War" 1739-1748
- The attack of New England on
- The victory of Pepperell
The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle
- The return of Louisburg to the French
- The anger of Massachusetts
- The attack of New England on
"The French and Indian War" 1754-1763
- Rival claims to the Ohio Valley
- The French at Fort Le Bœuf
- The mission of George Washington
- The English at Pittsburgh
- Fort Duquesne
- Washington's Defeat of Jumonville
- The Battle of Great Meadows
- Colonial preparations for defense
- The Albany Congress 1754
- The French at Fort Le Bœuf
The campaigns of 1755
- Braddock's disaster
- Johnson's expedition against
Crown Point
- The victory on Lake George
Expulsions of the Acadians
- Allegiance to England or deportation
Montcalm in
- The jealousy of Vaudreuil
Montcalm's thrust into New York
- Oswego
- Lake Champlain, 1757
- Defeat of Abercrombie at Ticonderoga, 1758
- Obstacles at Quebec and Versailles
William Pitt, war minister
- The capture of Louisburg
- The capture of Duquesne
- Pittsburgh
The English campaign of 1759
- Wolfe before Quebec
- The Plains of Abraham
- The march of Amherst on Montreal
- Wolfe before Quebec
- Indian friends of the French in the Southwest
The Fall of Canada
- The convergence of three
British armies on Montreal, 1760
- Amherst, commander in chief
- The capture of Montreal
- The peace of Paris, 1763
- Indian resistance to English control
- The convergence of three
British armies on Montreal, 1760
- Rival claims to the Ohio Valley